Were you at [lit] Sunday night? Our good friend, Nathan, from A Love Not Lost, proposed to Karly from the stage, in the company of our youth group, and many of their friends and family. It was in the context of what they'll be doing together in the future - what God has gifted them to do and given them a passion to do together - leading worship! It was awesome. And it was a great "object lesson" right in front of us, for the message Jay shared.
He taught us that the love of Christ can be demonstrated in our relationships, whether they are friendships, dating relationships, familial relationships... and ultimately, in marriage. The Bible is very clear that a marriage relationship is designed by God to be a reflection of Himself and His love for His people, reflected to the world and to one another.
How are your relationships reflecting the love of Christ? Are they reflecting it like a freshly cleaned mirror? Maybe like a mirror, but squinting in the dark to see the reflection? Maybe more like a rusty faucet, where the reflected image is distorded by the discoloration and the bent shape of the pipe? In any case, our relationships are INTENDED (DESIGNED) by God, to BE a reflection of His love for us. Whether we are actually using those relationships to convey His love, His truth, and His glory... now that can be another story. Too often, our relationships do not fulfill their God-given purpose.
Will you join me this week in praying that God will give us grace to change? To become more like Christ in our love for our friends, our family members, our loved ones, and even our enemies? Will you pray with me that God will change us, His Church, to become more like the people He has created us to be? There is hope. He is making us new in Christ. Don't give up. Consider your relatinoships this week - your relationship with God, and with everyone within your sphere of influence. And ask God's help in making you more like the "you" He has called you to become in Christ.
Ephesians 2:10 - For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. [NASB]